Mastering Data Management: Unleash the Power of Amazon S3 for Cloud Storage

Organize & Secure Data, Configure Permissions, Data Backup, Versioning & Retrieval


7 min read

Mastering Data Management: Unleash the Power of Amazon S3 for Cloud Storage

Author: Ujwal Pachghare🌟

Introduction To Amazon S3

*AWS S3, or Amazon Simple Storage Service, functions similarly to a big cloud-based digital filing cabinet. Consider that you require a location to store a large number of assets, including papers, films, images, and more. They may be stored on your computer, but what would happen if it broke or ran out of space? S3 fills that role.

S3 can be compared to a massive, safe, and dependable hard drive located high in the sky. It allows you to upload and download files, as well as organize them into various folders (referred to as "buckets" by S3).*

*The fact that S3 is "scalable," or able to expand with you, is one of its interesting features. S3 is capable of handling millions of files, even if you just have ten. You just pay for what you use, too.

Essentially, Amazon Web Services' S3 storage solution allows you to store and retrieve enormous volumes of data via the Internet[ at any time and from any location. It functions similarly to a cloud-based personal storage unit!

1. General Configurations

Go to Amazon S3 Console -> Click on Create Bucket -> Choose your region -> Give your S3 Bucket a unique name -> You can directly copy settings from existing S3 bucket

2. Object Ownership

Object ownership determines who can specify access to objects with ACLs (Access Control Lists)

ACLs Disabled
By default, the bucket owner automatically owns and has full control over every object in the bucket
ACLs Enabled
We can decide whom to give access to buckets or objects.
  • Bucket owner preferred: The bucket owner owns and has full control over new objects that other accounts write to the bucket with the bucket-owner-full-control canned ACLs.

  • Object writer: The AWS account that uploads an object owns the object, has full control over it and can grant other users access to it through ACLs

3. Block Public Access settings for this bucket

4. Bucket Versioning

We can`t store our data in the form of versions. meas We can not retrieve/restore deleted objects or preserve data in versions.
We can store our data in the form of versions, like git. We can retrieve/restore deleted objects and preserve data in versions.
  • Advantages Of Versioning: Amazon S3 bucket versioning is a feature that allows you to keep multiple versions of an object in the same bucket. Versioning can help you recover objects from accidental deletions or overwrites.

  • Keep In mind: Once you Enable it, you can't Disable it, but you can suspend it and, if you have three versions of an object stored, you are charged for three objects.

5. Tags and Default encryption


Tags in Amazon S3 are key-value pairs that allow you to categorize and classify your S3 buckets based on specific attributes such as project name, environment, or ownership. You can also use bucket tags to track storage costs and organize buckets.

Encryption type

Server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3)

  • This encrypts data with S3-managed keys, which is the default option for S3.

Server-side encryption with Amazon KMS Keys (SSE-KMS)

  • We can encrypt data with Amazon KMS Keys by giving permissions that we want.

Dual-layer Server-side encryption with Amazon KMS Keys (DSSE-KMS)

  • We can apply double protection to objects by using Dual-layer encryption with Amazon KMS Keys.

Bucket Key

  1. The S3 Bucket Key feature is like a master key for your locker. Instead of having a separate key for each document, you have one master key that can open any document in the S3 bucket.

  2. Every time you use it, it creates a temporary copy of itself (a “data key”) to open a document. This means that even if someone else gets hold of this temporary key, they can only access that one document, not the whole S3 bucket.

  3. S3 Bucket Keys aren't supported for DSSE-KMS

6. Advanced settings

Object Lock

If you disable the S3 Object Lock feature, you will no longer be able to prevent objects in your S3 bucket from being deleted or overwritten.
Amazon S3 Object Lock is a feature that allows you to prevent objects in your S3 bucket from being deleted or overwritten for a fixed amount of time or indefinitely. Object Lock works only in versioned buckets. Enabling Object Lock automatically enables versioning. After you enable Object Lock for a bucket, you can't disable Object Lock or suspend Versioning for that bucket

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7. Organizing Data In S3 Bucket

We can store data in a well-organized manner in S3 Bucket. For example, we can create folders for every different data type (image, video, music) and store sub-data in them.

Ex: We create an image folder for storing images, and then we create a sub-folder for storing different kinds of images (PNG, JPG, and GIF), and then we create a sub-folder for storing images for every month (Jan, Feb, and March), and we will store January month images in the January folder.

8. Configure Access Permissions For Secure Data Storage

At point No 7 we have created an image folder and uploaded .JPG files to it. while creating folders and uploading files, we can configure permissions and secure our data storage. You just have to follow the respective points.

Prerequisite: KMS Key with permissions you want

I. Create a folder with access permissions

Go into the S3 bucket -> Click on Create Folder -> Give a name to folder -> In the Server-side encryption Check the Specify an encryption key option -> Then check to Override bucket settings for default encryption option -> Then check Server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS) -> last select Choose from your AWS KMS keys option -> Choose key from the dropdown menu -> Click on Create Folder

II. Upload files with access permissions

Go into the S3 bucket -> Click on Create Folder -> Click on Upload file -> Choose your desired files -> In the Access control list section, Select Specify individual ACL permissions -> Now you can choose whom to give read permissions -> We enabled object locks so no one can overwrite except the owner. -> You can give access to other AWS accounts by entering its canonical ID

In the properties section, you can choose the storage class for your object.

In the server-side encryption section -> you can do the same as we did for folder encryption -> you can enable the bucket key only if you enabled it while creating your bucket.

You can`t specify Object Lock from here -> In Additional Checksums, you can secure your secret data by applying checksum formats to it like SHA-1, SHA-256, etc. -> You can give Tags or Metadata to recognize your data easily -> Finally, Click on Upload

9. Implement Data Backup And Retrieve

Backing Up Data in S3:

  1. Create a Bucket: First, you need to create a bucket in S3 where you’ll store your data.

  2. Upload Data: Next, you can upload your data (like files, images, etc.) to this bucket.

  3. Enable Versioning: To protect your data from accidental deletion or overwriting, you can enable versioning on your bucket. you can see

  4. Use AWS Backup: For additional protection, you can use AWS Backup, a service that automates backup tasks.

Retrieving Backed Up Data from S3:

  1. Access the Bucket: Open the Amazon S3 console and navigate to your bucket.

  2. Access the Object: Navigate to the folder of the deleted object. Turn on Show versions.

  3. Find the File: Choose the file that you want to open or download. Select the previous version of the object. Don’t select the delete marker.

  4. Download the File: Choose ‘Actions’, and then choose ‘Open’ or 'Download’.

10. Clean Up

Navigate to the Bucket you want to delete but first we have to delete all data from it -> Click on the Empty button -> type permanently delete in the box and click on Empty
Now we have an empty bucket, let`s delete it now -> Select the bucket -> click on the Delete button -> type the bucket name, and click on Delete.
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